Charles Rangel: Honor Michael Brown Through Peaceful Protests

By Charles Rangel

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Congressman Charles B. Rangel


While I share the disappointment and sadness felt by millions of people across America in the decision made by the grand jury in St. Louis County not to indict Officer Darren Wilson, I hope we can honor the memory of Michael Brown through peaceful protests and peaceful dialogue, instead of anger and violence.

It is tragic that our country still suffers from vestiges of injustice and racial discrimination. However, it is during times of turbulence when we must remain stronger and resilient to promote unity and healing within our communities.

We must remember the courage of Nelson Mandela and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who taught us to rise above bitterness and hate with understanding and love.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the Brown family, as we endeavor to overcome the great pain, suffering and division in our communities across the nation.


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