CEMOTAP PRESENTS: Newark Ex- Mayor Sharpe James’ Book Party –“Political Prisoner”

Sharpe James

EX-MAYOR JAMES: February 15, 2014 at 2:00 PM

CEMOTAP Center , 135-05 Rockaway Blvd, South Ozone Park, 11420

Admission is free: For Further info Call 347-907-0629

2. BEPAA Master Class  CORRECTED

“The Revolutionary Psychology of Dr. Amos Wilson”

TUESDAY, February 18, 2014 at  6:30 PM

Keynote Speaker: Marc Cray, M.D.- Director of Imhotep Virtual Medical School & Instructor for current  John Henrik Clarke High School Scholars  at BEPAA Science Enrichment Course Respondents:
Psychiatrist: Dr. Henry McCurtis, Professor Hank Williams of Lehman College and Professor Leonard Jeffries, Chairman Emeritus Black Studies
City College of NY

Special Guests: Students from Professor Williams’ Class

John Henrik Clarke House, 286 Convent Avenue, Harlem, New York 10031



3. On Sunday February 23 at 3:00 PM Dr. Leonard Jeffries & Ilyasha Al-Shabazz

“The Life, Martyrdom and Rebirth of Malcolm X”

John Henrik Clarke House, 286 Convent Avenue, Harlem NY 10031

For further info call 347-907-0629


4. Imhotep Gary Byrd and Bob Law

The Central Brooklyn Leadership Council & The Mens Ministry of Historic First Church of God in Christ Presents

A Black History Month Forum

Imhotep Gary Byrd: “Saying It Loud Understanding the Historical Legacy Of Black Radio”

Wednesday, February 12, 7PM, Historic First Church of God in Christ

221 Kingston Avenue, Brooklyn NY

Host & Moderator Bob Law

Free Admission



Black History Month: Out of the shadows of history: Integration a social, economic and political failure

Every Saturday 10 am-12 noon @ Sistas’ Place

Uhuru Success Accademy

Saturday, February 15th

Saxophonist T.K. Blue – CD Release party Live Jazz sets 9 & 10:30 pm

Mon. 2/17 6:30-8:30 at Sistas Place

Bob Law & Brenda Bunson Bey: Communal economics

Tuesday, 2/18: 6-8 pm

Obamacare Workshop with Renata Marinaro of Actors Fund

Call to reserve your seat (718) 398-1766

Fri., 2/21th – Place to be determined

Commemoration of the Assassination of Malcolm X

Saturday, February 22nd 

sets 9 & 10:30 pm Saxophonist Reggie Woods

Jazz tickets $20.00 in advance $25 at the door

For Reservations Call (718) 398-1766

Sistas’ Place Coffee House, 456 Nostrand Avenue

corner of Jefferson Avenue, Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn NYC



6. Committee to Eliminate Media Offensive to African People

Newark’s Mayor Sharpe James framed by Gov. Christie?

CEMOTAP’s February 15th guest will be popular Newark Mayor, Sharpe James, who has bounced back from a  stint in a  prison in Petersburg, Virginia to become a best selling author, political activist and courageous cheerleader for the city of Newark,  Mayor James has unraveled the mystery of  the hidden hands and architects of Newark’s seemingly intractable corruption in a tell all book.”Political Prisoner”  that names names and pulls no punches.

The charges of fraud, lies and deception currently swarming around New Jersey Governor Chris Christie comes as no surprise to readers of Newark Mayor Sharpe James’ book, “Political Prisoner.”  According to Mayor James, Christie, then a U.S. Attorney in 2008 targeted him as a way of enhancing his own political ambitions. Christie went so far as to pay a disgruntled former employee of the Mayor’s to wear a wire in hopes of entrapping him in some wrong doing. His aim was for Sharpe James to die in prison and even said so at one of the many press conferences he and his lead prosecutor, Judith Germano held during the trial.

Although Mayor James, who served in  office from 1986 to 2008,  is adamant that he committed no crime, he was sent to prison in 2008 to serve several years. While serving time in a Bureau of Prisons facility in Petersburg Virginia,  he meticulously documented the artful dodging and shadowy activities of New Jersey’s top politicians including Gov. Corzine and Mayor Corey Booker. While incarcerated James used the manual typewriter in the prison library to write his memoir and expose the injustice and corruption that existed during his service, particularly the corruption that surrounded the swaggering and now beleaguered New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie.

CEMOTAP co-chair Betty Dopson indicated ” most informed Africans have always believed that Mayor James was innocent. His mistake was to help Black folks in Newark acquire property and power.” The public is invited to CEMOTAP Center  on  February 15th at 2:P.M.at 135-05 Rockaway Blvd, South Ozone Park  to hear Mayor James’ riveting account of his incarceration that included strip searches and fondling, and to purchase his book, “Political Prisoner.”This book” said Dopson,” clearly indicates how Newark has primarily suffered from the power recklessness of  Governor Christy who now crawls on his knees apologizing to all who will listen.  “Admission is free




Ona Move Everyone !

We just wanted to send people some info in regards to three programs coming to the NYC area in support of The Move Organization and Mumia Abu Jamal.

The First  event will be taking place on Wednesday night February 12th.

It will feature Ramona Africa speaking on the case of The Move 9 and will Feature a video showing of The 1978 Move Confrontation in Philadelphia .

The event will take place at Bluestockings Radical Books located on 172 Allen Street between Stanton and Rivington Streets . 7pm  Start .

The Second  event will be taking place on  Saturday February 15th . It will be a Mumia Film Festival featuring films on Mumia Abu Jamal.

The festival will take place at The National Black Theater in Harlem NYC . The Address is 2031-2033 National Black Theater Way Fifth ave between 125th and 126th Streets ,NYC . Start time 12noon admission $10 Donation.

The Third  event will be taking place on Wednesday February 19th. It will feature Ramona Africa, Cornel West , and Mark Lewis Taylor In a discussion on Religion, Rebellion, and Move. This event will Take place at Medgar Evers College at 1650 Bedford Avenue Between Carroll and Montgomery streets in Brooklyn Ny.

Program starts at 6pm.

These are gonna be three great programs so we hope that people will come out.

For more info you can go to www.onamove.com


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