CEMOTAP Calls Protest At WABC Over "Like It Is" And Gary Byrd

CEMOTAP: “The show ‘Here and Now,’ is so pathetic that it is embarrassing that it could even be mentioned in the same breath as Gil Noble’s award winning series Like it Is. ‘Here and Now’, is nothing but plantation entertainment to sooth the boss’ blighted and perverse soul at Black folks’ expense."

[On The Media]

The Committee to Eliminate Media Offensive to African People (CEMOTAP) will hold a demonstration at WABC TV this Thursday at 12 Noon at 7 Lincoln Square, located at 67th Street and Columbus Avenue in Manhattan, says CEMOTAP CO-CHAIR  Dr. James McIntosh.

McIntosh says that  WABC TV President and General Manager Dave Davis has made good on his threat to use his prerogative as “THE BOSS”  to ignore community demands that veteran broadcaster Imhotep Gary Byrd be given a chance to both host and contribute ideas to the series that will replace Gil Noble’s Award winning series “Like It Is.”

McIntosh says that after CEMOTAP’s last demonstration,  Davis did interview Byrd one time,  however, he never made good on his promise to Byrd, to hold a second  interview  in the presence of the WABC TV production staff.

CEMOTAP Co-Chair Betty Dopson says that when she found out this week that Imhotep Gary Byrd never got the call back interview he was promised by WABC TV President, Dave Davis and she immediately called Davis. 

“‘I think we are going to go with rotating our local news people as hosts,'” Dopson said Davis told her, “I was stunned because at our last meeting with Davis, community representatives, offered him several  options that would allow him to both meet his desire to use his own news staff members  but still avail himself of community expertise.  Councilman Barron suggested initially rotating Gary Byrd through with the other News people and then assess the feedback.  Dr. McIntosh suggested trying Imhotep Gary Byrd as a Co-Host.  Dave Davis’ response to these men was to say he thought he would exercise his prerogative as ‘The Boss’ to go with one of his own news people.  Dr. McIntosh, acknowledges that even after that statement,  Davis did indeed give an interview to Imhotep Gary Byrd, which Byrd  had felt
went well.”

At that interview Byrd let Davis know that he had a name in mind for the series that would please the community,  speak to the legacy of Gil Noble’s  “Like it Is,” while still  honoring the corporation’s obligation to observe  Gil’s copyright ownership of the title.

Byrd also outlined for Davis a way to take advantage of the radio and multimedia platform from which Byrd already speaks to popularize the new show. A person who was also present at the Gary Byrd  interview said that at the end of that interview Davis even wanted Gary’s notes used during he meeting.

Byrd declined but for him to even ask Byrd such a thing just shows you the disdain Davis has for Black folks, said Dr. McIntosh. “Byrd  says he was told by Davis that  he would be  interviewed  a second time,  but  in the presence of  the production staff.  The call for the interview never came,” said McIntosh.

“The show ‘Here and Now,’ is so pathetic that it is embarrassing that it could  even be mentioned in the same breath as Gil Noble’s award winning series Like it Is. ‘Here and Now’, is nothing but plantation entertainment to sooth the boss’ blighted and perverse soul at Black folks’ expense,” said McIntosh.

“So on Thursday December 22nd,  we will be back at 7 Lincoln Square at 12:00 Noon to press for our demands.  We are asking our community to be there with us,” said McIntosh. “We cannot allow WABC TV to disrespect the 43 year long legacy that Brother Gil Noble gave us.”

“Speaking Truth To Empower.”

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