Photos: CBCI\YouTube
Washington, DC – On Thursday and Friday, August, 12-13, 2021, the Congressional Black Caucus Institute (CBCI) will host its “Black in America: A Public Health Crisis” virtual policy conference focusing on the disparate impact of COVID-19 and obstacles to equal treatment by law enforcement in African-American communities.
The two conversations over two days will be:
- The Disparate Impact of COVID-19 on the African-American Community Thursday, August 12, 2021 at 11:30am EST and
- African-Americans and Law Enforcement: Equal Treatment Under The Law? Friday, August 13, 2021 at 12:30pm EST
Registration for “Black in America: A Public Health Crisis” is FREE.
“In early 2020, our community grappled with an unfathomable global pandemic and the glaring racial health disparities that came with it. But we were also reminded that the virus wasn’t the only public health crisis we were facing,” said Vanessa Griddine-Jones CBCI Executive Director. “Just as governors and mayors were orchestrating reopening phases of their respective cities, an unarmed, Black man, George Floyd had the breath of life forced out of him by the knee of a white police officer for 9 minutes and 29 seconds. An all too familiar conversation reemerged front and center about the value and worth of Black lives. The convergence of these two pandemics drove people of all backgrounds to the streets in protest, begging the question: how do we bring about sweeping systemic change?”
For more information about the CBCI visit