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The Congressional Black Caucus spoke out today against Thursday’s mass shooting, which killed eight people, at a FedEx facility in Indiana.
Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Joyce Beatty issued a statement today on the mass shooting that took place in Indianapolis last night:
“The Congressional Black Caucus is deeply saddened by the tragic loss of life in Indianapolis in our CBC Member Congressman André Carson’s district. We offer our deepest condolences to the families of the victims. Sadly, issuing statements following such a devastating loss has become far too commonplace.
“While our statements are heartfelt, we know that they offer little comfort to the families and loved ones of the victims.
“What will be more meaningful is real action to address the scourge of gun violence, and the CBC remains steadfast in its commitment to that cause.”
Editor’s Note: The alleged gunman, who took his own life, has now been identified as 19-year-old Brandon Hole, who reportedly had worked at the FedEx facility previously.