In an effort to combat record unemployment levels for African American males now placed at over 50 percent, leading New York Politicians are working on strategies to offer incentives for corporations to create more jobs. At the same time, the elected officials demanded for Federal money for what some called a “national crisis.�
Shyamalan Channels the Soul of Rod Serling in "The Village"
The Village is set in 1897 in mythical Covington, Pennsylvania, a vague combination Quaker/Shaker/Amish/Pilgrim-style sect whose idyllic, utopian oasis unfortunately sits surrounded by a dense forest ostensibly filled with unspeakable, dreaded creatures. Yet these self-contained townspeople have somehow made peace with their predicament by never venturing into the woods beyond their clearing’s tree-lined boundary, and by performing an assortment of primitive, superstitious rituals to keep their anthropomorphic adversaries at bay.
SHAQ: Great Feast for The East
The telephone connection was lousy, with static drowning out Shaquille O’Neal’s voice.
Catwoman, the movie
"It all started on the day that I died," is the ominous first line in this laughable film which itself arrives dead on arrival. Catwoman’s initial failing is that it is narrated by a bored Halle Berry who doesn’t even sound like she believes a word of what she’s saying during that opening montage. "
Tylibah on the rise!
Keep a watch out for Tylibah, a young Brooklyn-bred spoken word artist on the rise who aims to uplift her people with her heartfelt poems and lyrics.
Contreras Episode Exposes Hypocritical U.S. Foreign Policy
Yankee pitcher Jose Contreras has been reunited with his family. After being away from his wife and daughters for nearly two years they are now a part of his “American Dream.�
Race Does Matter in Kobe Case
The inevitable finally happened. Kobe Bryant’s lead defense attorney Pamela Mackey rammed the ugly head of race into his rape case when she strongly hinted that he’s in a court docket because his accuser is a white woman.