[Families First Coronavirus Response Act\H.R. 6201]
Families First Coronavirus Response Act, a robust federal spending package to address the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic.
Photo: Facebook
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi speaks above about House Democrats’ response to protect families amid the Coronavirus crisis.
Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee voted to pass H.R. 6201, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, a robust federal spending package to address the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic.
“As we continue to see the spread of coronavirus, we can and must use all the tools we have to respond to this public health crisis. That is why, in addition to the recently enacted $8.3 billion emergency coronavirus supplemental, we acted today to address the impact of the virus on workers and families.
“This important legislation establishes paid leave, supports strong unemployment benefits, expands and protects food assistance programs for the vulnerable, provides free coronavirus testing, protects frontline health workers, and more to address the ongoing economic consequences of the pandemic.
“Workers across the country are already choosing between staying home when they are sick, and putting food on the table for their families. We can’t allow that – especially in the richest nation on earth. Rest assured, that House Democrats will continue to put public health and families first as we respond to the coronavirus.”