Bush’s “Mandate�: What Happened?

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For no matter how arrogant and inept Rumsfeld might have been, this is Bush’s mess. He is the one who lied us into war. He is the one who wasted the surplus that he was given by the Clinton Administration.


(George W. Bush)

“President� Bush called the defeat of the Republicans at the polls a “thumping.� Well, we can also call it a stinging rebuke of his disastrous policies, by the American people. It’s about time.

In the 2004 election, the administration came out victorious and was riding high. In fact, after the re-election of this horrid White House, Mr. Bush stated that the victory represented a “mandate� by the American people.  But this shellacking by the voters represents a clear rejection of that “mandate,� for the House and Senate are now in the hands of Democrats after twelve years.    

The president in classically cynical fashion fired Donald Rumsfeld, after years of fending off calls for the former defense secretary’s head. Sure, they claimed that Rumsfeld resigned, but we know that is bull. 

Bush claimed that “after a series of thoughtful conversations, Secretary Rumsfeld and I agreed that the timing was right for new leadership at the Pentagon.� Yes, we do need leadership but the departure of Rumsfeld should only be the start. It’s a pity we can’t get rid of the “commander-in-thief.� Impeachment would be nice, but the Democrats don’t seem willing to pursue that course. But, if Bush doesn’t deserve impeachment who does?

For no matter how arrogant and inept Rumsfeld might have been, this is Bush’s mess. He is the one who lied us into war. He is the one who wasted the surplus that he was given by the Clinton Administration.  And he is the one who has repeatedly broken the laws of the Constitution by illegally spying on the American people as well as pushing the Military CommissionsTorture Bill to immunize himself from his war crimes.

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As the election neared, several Republicans tried to distance themselves from the albatross of Bush’s war policy. But it was too little, too late, and they ended up drowning. The Republicans were also exposed as the hypocrites they are.
Remember, last election how they scared many voters with their gay-marriage hysteria? According to them if the country voted for Kerry, the second coming of Sodom was assured. And yet they remained silent while congressional pedophile, Mark Foley, who was on the Committee for Missing and Exploited Children, lay in their midst.

The resounding defeat of the Republicans is due to the scandalous climate they have brought to Washington. And the lies of the White House war-profiteers remain at the heart of it. It’s now time for the Democrats to start reversing the damage Republicans have done. They can start by stopping this immoral war.

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