Bronx-native Nickay Piper Creates “Know The Vote” app to Make Empower and Educate Voters

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Nickay Piper. 

[Tech Business

Bronx Native and award-winning entrepreneur and technologist, Nickay Piper, is skilled at developing noteworthy brand campaigns and tech solutions


She’s the creator of Know The Vote, an app that solves an issue faced by many: complicated politics. Know The Vote uses location data to show users the information that matters. Simply launch the app and instantly receive information on: Your local elected officials; how many times an official votes with their party; upcoming elections in your area; voter registration; political representatives (including donor information); relevant issues/bills; and, local volunteer opportunities.


Know The Vote lets users can share information with their social spaces and customize their profiles while staying on top of their political interests through the newsfeed. Know The Vote also includes resources that allow users to get involved with politics by teaching them how to have their voices heard by local representatives. The app’s Freemium model ensures that communities throughout America have access to relevant and accurate voter information and was launched via the iOS and Google Play App stores. “Equitable access to voter and election information is essential to our mission of keeping politics easy,” says Piper, president, and founder of Way Creative House. “Civic and voter engagement for all is no longer a privilege. Now, more than ever, it is a necessity. We need everyone to exercise their right to vote, and know the vote ensures that you know who is on the ballot.” 


Piper currently manages a diverse team of creatives, digital strategists, computer scientists, and data analysts at Way Creative House, her New York City-based software development and creative marketing agency. At Way Creative House, Piper’s team produces digital marketing campaigns and software for brands looking to tap into their audiences through the magic of storytelling and technology.

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For the past year, Piper and her team worked on Know The Vote, the newly-created election and civic information app. Under Piper’s tutelage, her clients benefit from her proprietary blend of marketing and technology strategies and sentiment monitoring solutions. Brands have seen record growth in sales and online conversion rates while politicians respect Piper’s ability to ensure their campaigns are successful, so much so that Piper received Congressional recognition.


She is a sought-after favorite on New York City’s tech scene. She has spoken spoken at events organized by the New York City’s Department of Education, the Congressional Black Caucus, Black Girls Code, and Microsoft. Piper has judged start-up competitions for TechWeek and Columbia University. As an Adjunct Professor and author of one of SUNY WCC’s first digital marketing curricula, Piper has instructed and consulted with corporate team members from companies like Fujifilm, Xerox, and IBM.


When she’s not engaged in tech creation, Piper likes to cook and travel and is currently re-enrolled in piano school. Nickay endeavors to continue using her technical and creative skills to build equitable high-tech solutions that solve complex problems.



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