Breonna Taylor: 2nd juror releases statement agreeing with first juror

[Breonna Taylor]
WLKY: “Another grand juror has released a statement regarding the Breonna Taylor investigation, agreeing with a fellow grand juror that the group was limited on what charges they could consider in the probe involving three Louisville Metro police officers.”
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Another grand juror has released a statement regarding the Breonna Taylor investigation, agreeing with a fellow grand juror that the group was limited on what charges they could consider in the probe involving three Louisville Metro police officers.

The statement by grand juror No. 2 was released Thursday by attorney Kevin Glogower, who is also representing grand juror No. 1.

Both jurors have decided to remain anonymous thus far.

Grand juror No. 2’s statement essentially signals support for grand juror No. 1, who released a statement Tuesday when a judge ruled that the group could speak about the Taylor probe and may remain anonymous if they so chose.

Read rest of story here.