Bernard White–From Guest Lecture to New Radio Gig

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Bernard has honed his craft for more than 20 years. He gave kudos to Elombe Brath, and Samori Marksman, both of whom were extraordinary men, and his esteemed mentors.


Bernard White, former Program Director of WBAI, will be on the air again on radio station 93.5 FM between 5pm and 6pm on Mondays.  His first guest will be former congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.  After a far too long absence from the air waves, we will be able to enjoy the soothing voice of Brother Bernard again.

How did this happen? Networking is the word. 

Brother Bernard was in the right place at the right time. The place is Sankofa International Academy at 1670 Fulton Street.  The time is 6pm on Mondays when Guerrilla Journalism class –basic reporting and writing skills for the community– is taught by Milton Allimadi, CEO and publisher of the Black Star News.  Bernard was an invited guest on Monday, May 2nd when at the end of his lecture, he met Ollie McClean, the Program Director of Sankofa International Academy. She knew Brian Figuroa was looking for  radio personnel.

Bernard has honed his craft for more than 20 years. He gave kudos to Elombe Brath, and Samori Marksman, both of whom were extraordinary men, and  his esteemed  mentors. Elombe Brath is second to none in his special knowledge and information about Africa from the point of view of the Africans. He is an insider to many revolutionary efforts. Marksman, the beloved late Station Manager of WBAI gave his life literally to managing the station through turmoil and crises.

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Following in the footsteps of these giants, Bernard schooled us in our class on the global strategy of the Western powers to recolonize Africa. He described the process of destabilization now happening in Libya, Cote D’ Ivoir, referring to the historical pattern established in the Congo, the genocide by Ugandan troops in Congo, and the upheavals in  Zimbabwe. As the class had already studied Tom Burell’s book  “Brainwashed”, we could see how the public relations program of Western governments are used to support regime change under the guise of replacing despotic governments with an electoral democracy–a ruse to gain control of resources.  Martin Luther King once said “No lie lives forever.”

You will be in the right place at the right time if you join Guerrilla Journalists in the making on Mondays at 6 pm. Who knows what good news awaits you! 

Guerrilla Journalism is taught at International Sankofa Academy, 1670 Fulton St # 1 Brooklyn, NY 11213-1251 – (347) 365-9989.

“Speaking Truth To Empower.”

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