Behind Evelyn Magley’s vision for The Basketball League

Photo: YouTube

The Basketball League (TBL) is run by Evelyn Magley—the first woman to run a men’s professional sports league in America.

March Madness is taking place in Evelyn Magley’s backyard, with buses shuttling teams and NCAA officials around downtown Indianapolis, where the side of one hotel is covered with the world’s biggest bracket. Yet even though Magley is a huge basketball fan — her husband had a sip of coffee in the NBA — she’s avoided the billion-dollar event that has occupied her city.

“I have no time for that,” Magley said. “I’m too busy trying to get our season together.”

Magley is preparing for the start of The Basketball League (TBL), which begins its third season on April 9 – with her signature on the league’s official game ball. Magley is the CEO of TBL, putting her in a pioneering position as the first woman and the first African-American woman in America to lead a men’s professional sports league.

Read rest of story here.