BBC Documentary Expose Implicates Rwanda’s Gen. Paul Kagame In Shooting Habyarimana Plane Sparking Genocide

Gen. Paul Kagame

BBC: “Rwanda’s Untold Story”

The YouTube file of the one-hour BBC documentary: “Rwanda’s Untold Story,” that aired on Oct. 1, 2014 is the first mainstream media telling of the narrative that was revealed in documentary evidence at the UN International Tribunal for Rwanda. 

That narrative supported by UN and United States Government (USG) documentary evidence  resulted in the entire military-political leadership of the defeated coalition government of Juvenal Habyarimana being acquitted of long-term planning or conspiracy to commit genocide, or war crimes against civilian Tutsis before April 6, 1994.

The BBC documentary interviews UN Chief Prosecutor Carla del Ponte, former FBI-UN investigator James Lyons, Belgian-UN Col. Luc-Marchal, two of Pres. Kagame’s former Chief’s of Staff, the former Rwandan Ambassador to the United States, one of Pres. Kagame’s personal bodyguards, and other informants, who confirm President Kagame ordered the assassination of President Habyarimana, as part of his long-planned offensive to seize total control of the country.

John Conroy, the Producer, and I worked together for several months referring to the documents on the website and in the Accidental Genocide, the first commercially available description of the war conditions that actually comprise “the rwanda genocide” based on original documents.

The narrative of “Rwanda’s Untold Story” reflects the central facts of “the rwanda genocide” narrative first described as the “alternative description of the mass violence that swept Rwanda” in the November 2007 Ntabakuze Defense Trial Brief. The alternative narrative resulted in the acquittals of the Military-1 defendants on all charges of “conspiracy and planning to commit genocide” in December 2008.

Thiery Cruvalier of the The International Justice Tribune in December 2011 commented on the UN Court finding Rwanda’s genocide was  “Brainless” because it was not planned.  By December 2013, the Appeal Chamber had upheld these acquittals as did the Trial Chambers in the Military-2 and Government-1 and 2 trials.

In late July 2014, the website was temporarily taken down following notification from the Registrar of the UN Mechanism for the International Tribunals (MICT) that some documents may have been designated “non-public” by an ICTR trial chamber.

Negotiations regarding whether, and how, to respond to the Registrar’s written concerns are ongoing.  The BBC research crew made extensive use of the website, which was receiving 277,000 “hits” in the month before it was taken down.

The BBC exposure of manipulations of the ICTR by Security Council members U.S./UK, and current member Rwanda in “Rwanda’s Untold Story” sheds a new light on the sudden interest in the UN Security Council UN controlling public access to the data on the website. An announcement on the site is forthcoming.

The Accidental Genocide narrative tracks that in the “Untold Story” and provides the documentary evidence from UN documents, USG documents and ICTR testimony and affidavits, which support the interviews in the documentary.