S. E. Williams

“Unlike many of the Black slave drivers of the past, the officers who killed Nichols chose to brutalize and murder one of their

Tyre Nichols’ Murder And The Black Slave Catching Cops Who Brutalized Him

Photo: YouTube By now, most people are keenly aware of the disturbing news about three mass shootings in California in eight days that resulted ...

Do not be bamboozled by those who appropriate his words for their own right-wing conservative purpose

The Sinister Appropriation Of Dr. King’s Words And Writings

Photo: YouTube They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but regarding the continuous appropriation of Black history and culture, it seems ...

Let 2023 be the year you got involved and do your part to help make a difference.

Making A Difference in 2023 Through the Power of Volunteering

Photo: YouTube As 2022 comes to an end, we close the book on the year that was and welcome 2023 with new resolutions, fresh ...

County of San Bernardino for allegedly failing to enforce the Fair Housing provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1968.

Housing Discrimination: San Bernardino Criticized for Non-Enforcement

Photo: YouTube Just over three years ago on December 10, 2019, the VOICE reported the U.S. Department of Justice Department had filed suit against ...

Council President Nury Martinez

Will Racist L.A. City Council Recording Fray BlackLatino Coalition?

Photos: YouTube When the tape (recorded last year) was leaked early last week about the conniving, racist and probable Brown Act violating gathering of ...

The Journalism Competition and Preservation Act would benefit small publications like the Black Voice News, the IE Voice and so

The Threat Independent Journalism Faces From Google And Facebook

Photos: YouTube At a time in our nation’s history when a free press is more essential to sustaining our democracy than ever before, political ...

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez referred to jails as ‘garbage bins’ for human beings."

California: Death Rate of Inmates Rising In San Diego Jails–And Statewide

Photos: YouTube Hardly a week goes by in the Inland Empire lately without a new report of an inmate death in either Riverside or ...

beneath the shadow of the highly accomplished superintendent and the district’s shiny veneer something was rotten in the classro

Black School Superintendent Fails To Meet Expectations

Photos: IE Voice\WUHSD\YouTube During his eight year tenure as superintendent of the Victor Valley Unified High School District Dr. Ron Williams was singled out ...

Black students lost nearly five times the number of days as white students.

California: School District Practiced Discriminatory Discipline Against Black Students

Photos: YouTube At some point in American history its educational system bought into a process of student discipline not to dissimilar to the country’s ...

Not surprisingly Blacks are overrepresented in the number of in-custody deaths in key categories across the country according to

Deaths In Custody: An Arrest Should Not Be A Death Sentence

Photos: WVDC\YouTube “Imprisonment: It is a cruel and useless substitute for the elimination of those conditions–poverty, unemployment, homelessness, desperation, racism, greed–which are at the ...