Planet Earth is in desperate need of an honest discussion about the elimination of nuclear weapons

American Foreign Policy And The Elimination Of Nuclear Weapons

Photo: Wikimedia Commons What is democracy but platitudes and dog whistles? The national direction is quietly predetermined — it’s not up for debate. The ...

In other words, we should relax and be proud that different points of view exist in the social structure.

“How Exactly is ‘Diversity’ our ‘Strength’?”: It Fosters Deeper Learning, Understanding

Photo: YouTube “How exactly is ‘diversity’ our ‘strength’?” Oh, the smug ignorance of Tucker Carlson! Sometimes, in his certainty of rectitude, he asks questions that ...

That’s the current political rallying cry: Don’t make the children uncomfortable! Don’t go around telling the truth.

CRT Protesters Need to Go Back to Kindergarten

Photo: YouTube Damn those Marxists! You know their game, right? They want to spew truth and real history at our kids. No doubt they’re ...

Yes, there was another mass shooting the other day, at Club Q in Colorado Springs.

America Land of The Free: “Free To Imagine An Enemy”

Photo: YouTube I stroke the killer’s hatred and certainty, knowing the answer we all ache for — why? — will not be forthcoming. Yes, ...

The Democratic Party, much to its own chagrin, is actually being forced to stand for something

Midterms 2022: Looking For Victory Beyond The Election

Photo: YouTube After the election comes . . . the coverage, which always, at least in the mainstream media, seems to reduce everything to ...

the deaths haven’t stopped. An astounding 82 people have been killed, according to the Iran Human Rights group

Iran Continues To Be Rocked By Protests Against “Morality Police”

Photos: YouTube I’ve been haunted by a phrase for almost a month now: “morality police.” The news has been global. A 22-year-old woman, Mahsa ...

“Eliminating nuclear weapons would be the greatest gift we could bestow on future generations.”

“Eliminating Nuclear Weapons Would Be The Greatest Gift We Could Bestow On Future Generations”

Photos: YouTube What does surrender look like in the world of geopolitics? To my mind, this gets pretty close: “President Biden’s national security adviser ...

Why do we spend trillions of dollars preparing for and waging war and, in comparison, pennies on the creation of peace

Immigration Border Politics: Who Can Afford Peace When We Need To Fund Wars?

Photos: YouTube Texas and Arizona have begun busing refugees at their border – at a cost of millions – up to a couple liberal ...

“I humbly beg forgiveness for the evil committed by so many Christians against the Indigenous Peoples.”

Pope Francis’ Apology Underscores Crimes of The Catholic Church Against Indigenous Americans

Photos: YouTube “I humbly beg forgiveness for the evil committed by so many Christians against the Indigenous Peoples.” So said Pope Francis last week, ...

White supremacists fear their racism is being taken away.  So it’s no surprise that an insurrection is brewing.

American Insurrection: Trump And MAGA White Supremacists Want To Take ‘Their’ Country Back

Photos: YouTube Is an insurrection percolating in the MAGA universe? A civil war? One thing I notice as I read the growing warnings that ...