Robert B. Reich

2017-07-13 02

Some Potential Motives: If Trump Had Pre-Election Deal With Putin

Trump. Risk to national security? Photo: Gage Skidmore-Flickr [Comment] Say you’re Vladimir Putin, and you did a deal with Trump last year. Whether there ...


Agenda For Clinton: Countering Big Money’s Hijack of Democracy

Clinton If Donald Trump continues to implode, Hillary Clinton will win simply by being the presidential candidate who isn’t Trump. But the prospect of ...


Vote 2016: Loyalists Will Support their parties but anti-establishment force remains potent

Will Bernie Sanders’s supporters rally behind Hillary Clinton if she gets the nomination? Likewise, if Donald Trump is denied the Republican nomination, will his ...


The Washington Post’s Wrong-headed Attack on Bernie Sanders’s Health Plan

Yesterday the editorial board of the Washington Post charged that Bernie Sanders’s health-care plan rests on “unbelievable assumptions” about how much it would slash ...


Reducing The Numbers of “Working Poor” With $15 Minimum Wage

Republican presidential candidatess — $15 wage is blasphemous to them? [Commentary] Have you noticed how often conservatives who disagree with a policy proposal call ...


Bunk: The Washington Post’s Attack on Bernie Sanders

Sanders–attacks mean he’s doing something right [Elections 2016: Commentary] The Washington Post just ran an attack on Bernie Sanders that distorts not only what ...


The New Mass “Dispensable” Workers

Robert B. Reich As Labor Day looms, more Americans than ever don’t know how much they’ll be earning next week or even tomorrow. This ...