Mugabe Robert

2017-01-09 01

Yayah Jammeh’s Outrage and Ending Impunity in Africa

Jammeh –will he go or stay. Photo. One major question will be answered in Africa on January 20. Will Gambia swear in a ...

2016-11-28 11

Akena Killing Exposes Uganda’s Explosive Ethnic Schisms

Kanyamunyu–his alleged killing of Akena exposed country’s ethnic divisions [Column: African Awakening] The cold blooded shooting to death of Kenneth Akena Watmon, two weeks ...

2016-11-18 01

Donald Trump and Why Africa Must Do For Self

Africa –Trump isn’t your president [Column: African Awakening] I have often watched with amazement, the excitement that American elections cause in Africa. In that ...


Uganda: For Salvation, Country Needs A National Unity Conference

Mugabe Robert [Commentary] In order to encourage a national debate on Uganda’s problems and to explore solutions The Black Star News invites nationals to ...