Will New US-Japan Security Agreements Worsen Security Situation In East Asia?

Mel Gurtov\PeaceVoice Photos: YouTube Screenshots The best thing about diplomacy between government leaders is that it may ease tensions. The worst thing is that ...

China’s Dominating Influence In Russian And European Affairs Growing

By Mel Gurtov Photos: Wikimedia Commons Xi Jinping’s balancing act with Russia and the West took on a new challenge with Vladimir Putin’s arrival ...

Biden’s Saudi Arabia-Israel Proposal For Palestinian State Doomed To Fail

By Mel Gurtov\PeaceVoice Photos: YouTube Screenshots The Biden administration has been working on a package deal with Saudi Arabia that would guarantee a path ...

How National Security Fears Harming US-China Student Exchanges

By Mel Gurtov\PeaceVoice Photos: YouTube Screenshots In recent talks between US and Chinese leaders, they have found common ground in support for more people-to-people ...

America’s Hypocrisy About Democracy Illustrated By Ties To Authoritarian Leaders In India–And Israel

By Mel Gurtov\PeaceVoice Photos: Wikimedia Commons\YouTube Screenshots India is hailed as the world’s biggest democracy, and Israel as the only democracy in the Middle ...

Is Israel’s Iranian Embassy Attack A Prelude To War?

By Mel Gurtov\PeaceVoice Photos: YouTube Screenshots\Wikimedia Commons After Israel carried out an air strike on Iran’s embassy in Damascus, Iran made good on its ...

Genocidal Crimes Against Palestinian Humanity Are Continuing In Gaza

Mel Gurtov\PeaceVoice Photos: Facebook\YouTube Screenshots Among the many brutalities in war prohibited under international humanitarian law are starvation of civilian populations and deliberate attacks ...

Biden White House’s Complicity In Netanyahu’s War Crimes Continues With More Weapons Shipments

By Mel Gurtov\PeaceVoice Photos: YouTube Screenshots The Biden administration continues to act contrary to logic and humane values in response to Israel’s war policies. ...

TikTok, TikTok: The Clock Is Running Out

By Mel Gurtov\PeaceVoice The Chinese-owned TikTok has been under attack throughout the last two US administrations, on the argument that data collection of American ...

Congress: Progressive Democrats Seeking To Hold Netanyahu’s Government Accountable Over Gaza War Atrocities

By Mel Gurtov\Larry Kirsch\ PeaceVoice Photos: YouTube Screenshots For those who are dismayed and disturbed by Israel’s disproportionate response to the Hamas atrocities on Oct. ...