[Nicaragua’s Failed Revolution]
Anuradha Mittal: “Mining in Nicaragua is one of the key drivers of community displacement, land invasions, and forced land sales.”
Photo: Oakland Institute
Nicaragua: Invasions of Indigenous Land intensify amid role of Mining corporations
Report: From “Extraction to Inclusion” in Papua New Guinea
[Papua New Guinea]
Eddie Tanago: “our nation’s most important assets are not the minerals and petroleum that foreign corporations value so highly. Our most important assets are our people, our customary land, our agricultural skills, and our knowledge of how to sustainably manage our land and resources.”
Photo: Oakland Institute
World Bank Suspends Doing Business Report
[World Bank]
Oakland Institute: “The Doing Business Report drives an insidious race to the bottom where policymakers around the world are competing on being more attractive to private investors instead of protecting the environment and the well-being of their citizens.”
Photo: Oakland Institute:
Kenya’s Ogiek Community fighting Evictions from their Lands
[Kenya’s Ogiek Community]
Oakland Institute: “The Ogiek Peoples’ Development Program elevated the issue to the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights in 2009. This was done soon after the government issued eviction notices to around 35,000 Ogiek.”
Photo: YouTube
Report: Nicaragua’s Indigenous Communities Face New Land Threats
[Nicaragua’s Indigenous]
Anuradha Mittal: “The report details the incessant violence facing the Indigenous communities…and provides in depth information about the actors involved—foreign gold mining firms, national and international actors in logging and cattle ranching industry.”
Photo: YouTube