[Poverty Wages\Corporate America]
Sanders: “At a time when huge corporations like Walmart and McDonald’s are making billions in profits and giving their CEOs tens of millions of dollars a year, they’re relying on corporate welfare from the federal government by paying their workers starvation wages. That is morally obscene.”
Photo: Twitter
Bernie Sanders
GAO Report: Taxpayers Subsidize Poverty Wages at Big Corporations like Walmart, McDonald’s
Sanders, Klobuchar, Correct Voting Process Misinformation from Trump and Kavanaugh
[2020 Election]
Sanders\Klobuchar: “In America, we count the votes to determine who wins an election. Despite the incorrect assertions from President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh, election officials across the country accept ballots well after Election Day every year.”
Photo: Bernie Sanders
Democrats to American People: don’t allow Trump to undermine Election
[2020 Election]
Sanders: “The American people must be prepared for an election that is unprecedented in our history due to the enormous increase in mail-in ballots that have been, and will be, cast as a result of the pandemic.”
Photo: Black Voters Matter
Sanders Calls Republicans’ Supreme Court Nomination “An outrage”
[Supreme Court\Amy Coney Barrett ]
Sen Sanders: “The American people will not stand for this cynical effort to fill a Supreme Court vacancy, just days before an election.”
Photo: YouTube
Sanders calls for OAS accountability, fair elections in Bolivia
[Bolivia Elections]
Sen Sanders: “The Organization of American States’ decision last year to declare Bolivia’s election fraudulent on the basis of questionable evidence helped fuel a crisis of democracy and human rights that Bolivians are experiencing to this day.”
Photo: YouTube