Several deaths and injuries have been recorded during protests and riots, which also led to destruction of houses and properties

Guinea: Evidence Confirms Security Forces fired on Unarmed Protesters

Fabien Offner: ‘’President Alpha Condé has repeatedly said he preferred to leave the country in 1993, rather than go into confrontation and ‘govern cemeteries’, as is the case today. We urge the international community to urgently come together and call for the protection of the population and for investigations to be opened.”
Photo: YouTube

In Saudi Arabia migrants were apprehended by Saudi security forces, who confiscated their belongings and in some cases beat them

Ethiopian migrants in detention “hell” in saudi arabia

[Ethiopian Migrants in Saudi Arabian Detention]
“Amnesty International interviewed detainees who described a catalogue of cruelties at the hands of Saudi Arabian authorities, including being chained together in pairs, forced to use their cell floors as toilets, and confined 24 hours a day in unbearably crowded cells.”
Photo: Amnesty International

Some survivors have died while progress in the case languished. The surviving victims continue to demand justice.

Guinea: Stadium massacre victims await justice after 11 years

[Guinea Stadium Massacre]
Amnesty International: More than 13 suspects were charged – 11 of them sent for trial, including current and former high-level officials. Suspects include Moussa Dadis Camara, the former leader of the National Council of Democracy and Development junta.”
Photo: Amnesty International