12 other schoolchildren were injured in the attack. Over the past year there has been a surge in attacks in the Anglophone

Cameroon: Killing of eight schoolchildren new low in Anglophone crisis

[Cameroon] Tity Agbahey: “The killing of eight schoolchildren inside their classroom is an atrocity that underscores the urgency of protecting ordinary people from the ...

Several deaths and injuries have been recorded during protests and riots, which also led to destruction of houses and properties

Guinea: Evidence Confirms Security Forces fired on Unarmed Protesters

[Guinea] Fabien Offner: ‘’President Alpha Condé has repeatedly said he preferred to leave the country in 1993, rather than go into confrontation and ‘govern ...

Throughout decades of conflict in CAR, various armed groups and individuals have enjoyed impunity for crimes under international

Central African Republic: People seek justice while warlords still walk free

[Central African Republic] Amnesty International: “Civilians have borne the brunt of successive waves of violence and armed conflict since 2002 in CAR. Thousands have ...

The authorities must stop harassing opposition politicians over ridiculous pretexts

Tanzania: Laws weaponized to undermine freedoms ahead of elections

[Tanzania] Muchena: “President Magufuli must urgently reverse the decline in political and civil freedoms in Tanzania and ensure human rights defenders, activists and civil ...

There is evidence the security forces have also committed crimes under international law

Mozambique: No justice for victims of conflict which has killed 2,000 plus

[Mozambique\Al-Shabaab] Deprose Muchena: “This armed group is responsible for untold suffering in Cabo Delgado. They have reduced people’s homes to ashes through coordinated arson ...

Nuvunga has been critical of the government’s handling of the counter-insurgency in Cabo Delgado.

Mozambique: Investigate bomb threats against civil society leader

[Adriano Nuvunga] Deprose Muchena: “These bomb threats against Adriano Nuvunga are a terrifying warning aimed at scaring him into silence. They also send a ...

Trump administration has failed to address the police’s use of lethal force to deprive Black people of their right to life

George Floyd: Amnesty delivers 1 million signatures demanding Justice

[George Floyd] Julie Verhaar: “It is shameful that over four months have gone by since the horrifying killing of George Floyd without any meaningful ...

In Saudi Arabia migrants were apprehended by Saudi security forces, who confiscated their belongings and in some cases beat them

Ethiopian migrants in detention “hell” in saudi arabia

[Ethiopian Migrants in Saudi Arabian Detention] “Amnesty International interviewed detainees who described a catalogue of cruelties at the hands of Saudi Arabian authorities, including ...

has resulted in the deaths of at least 50 people in less than a year, Amnesty International

Guinea: At least 50 killed during protests in less than a year

[Guinea] Amnesty International: “Exercising the right to freedom of peaceful assembly remains dangerous in Guinea, where impunity for human rights violations has remained the ...

Some survivors have died while progress in the case languished. The surviving victims continue to demand justice.

Guinea: Stadium massacre victims await justice after 11 years

[Guinea Stadium Massacre] Amnesty International: More than 13 suspects were charged – 11 of them sent for trial, including current and former high-level officials. ...