These merchants of murderous munitions care more about their profit-margin than the deaths of innocent people—even children; just collateral damage as far as they’re concerned. The NRA’s worry here for the gun merchants’ bottom line is evidenced by the specious statements NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre made after President Obama’s inaugural address.
Stopping Gun Violence And Murders Of Our Children
We can free our nation of this scourge of gun violence. No external enemy ever took the lives of so many children and adults. We can and must change this.
Do Cornel West And Tavis Smiley Engage In Bligotry?
Could it be that, just like White racist, they just can’t stand the thought of a Black man living in the White House?
Uganda Repression: Activists Face 14 Years Imprisonment For Petitioning Government
Is it inciting violence when three citizens demand that government explain why it is not upholding the Constitution –the supreme document of the Republic of Uganda; or is inciting violence when government arrest three activists for making just demands?
Overturn Benin TV Director’s Convicted, says CPJ
Cakpossa was charged with "offending the head of state," news reports said. Her defense lawyer, Claret Dedie, told CPJ the journalist was appealing the decision.
Why Race Is Still Factored In College Admissions
As Justice Thurgood Marshall wrote, "Unless our children begin to learn together, there is little hope that our people will ever learn to live together."
Tide Turns Against Gun Lobby, as Obama And Cuomo Take Lead In Combating Violence
Recent national polls also show that the American people believe sensible gun control measures are more important than protecting gun rights.
Alabama Seeks Congressional Medal to Honor Girls Killed In ’63 Church Bombing
It is part of a year-long commemoration of the role of Birmingham’s freedom fighters in the Civil Rights Movement.
President Obama’s Second Inaugural: A Relay Race Toward Justice
The President, wearing a Black tuxedo, and Michelle, in a red gown, danced to “Let’s Stay Together.†They embraced before a swooning audience of on-lookers who admired the Obamas love and respect for each other.
As Corporations Squeeze More Americans Will There Be "Boiling Point"?
If the underclass, working class and precariat become dissatisfied with their existence what will they do? Will there be an uprising from the masses? What would the government do? How would the government protect its interests and repel the domestic uprising?