As Trump Administration Calls on SCOTUS to End DACA Polling Shows Americans Favor Citizenship For Dreamers

[Immigration News]
DACA anniversary celebration
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Trump continues his xenophobic immigration policies seeking Supreme Court help to end DACA…

CNN’s Ariane de Vogue reports that the Trump administration Department of Justice is calling on the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) case as soon as possible – seeking to officially end the popular and successful program.

Meanwhile, new polling from Global Strategy Group and released today by lobby group underscores that the American people are overwhelmingly on the side of Dreamers and reject attempts to strip protections and opportunities from Dreamers. If the Supreme Court takes up a DACA case, it will be heard during 2020, injecting the question of Dreamers’ futures into the political and public consciousness during a presidential election year. The new polling finds that by a 4:1 margin, (77% to 18%), the American public overwhelmingly supports citizenship and permanent protections and opportunities for Dreamers.

Key among the findings, according to Voters support citizenship for Dreamers by a commanding margin. Just over three-quarters of voters (77% support/18% oppose) support a proposal that would make Dreamers eligible for citizenship if they meet certain criteria – including having lived in the United States for at least four years, having entered the country under the age of 18, attending high school or a work credential program, and passing a background check. This public support is strong and spans partisan lines, with over two in five (44%) “strongly” supporting the proposal, and as majorities of Democrats (90% support/6% oppose), independents (71%/17%), and Republicans (64%/31%) are all in favor. Voters are more supportive of full citizenship for Dreamers than permanent legal status. Replacing citizenship with legal status in the proposed legislation causes support for the proposal to drop among Democrats (from 90% to 50%), independents (71% to 46%), and Republicans (64% to 48%).

Meanwhile, Democrats last week moved important legislation forward that would deliver needed certainty and relief for 2.5 million Dreamers and TPS holders. As America’s Voice Executive Director Frank Sharry noted, “As Trump doubles down on his wall, the American people are looking for practical solutions that go beyond partisanship, rally slogans and outright lies. The introduction of HR 6 is coming just at the right moment to recast the debate away from divisive rhetoric, ineffective walls and bureaucratic barriers towards pragmatic, achievable steps to manage immigration and immigrant policy effectively.”

Despite these positive steps forward, and the resounding support from Americans, congressional Republicans are throwing cold water on legislative prospects for Dreamers. They have voted unanimously against the Dream and Promise Act in the House Judiciary Committee votes and pledging that the bill won’t move forward in the GOP-controlled Senate. According to Douglas Rivlin, Director of Communications at America’s Voice, “Americans, across party lines, have spoken, and congressional Democrats listened. Where are the Republicans, you ask? Standing squarely with a President who continues to want to end the DACA program and strip opportunities and protections from Dreamers.”

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