The Baron Son was written as the ethical road map to wealth, power, and success. It is the story of a young boy who loses everything and through struggle finds the secret to become the richest, most powerful person the world has ever known. The reader learns alongside three scholars as the Baron recounts his story of detriment and triumph while conveying “Supreme Principles� that will guide one and all in their journey to success.
Article: NY Watch
NY Watch
This column will cover the legal, technical and historical aspects of inventing. However, since there are many sources you can go to get that type of information, we won’t spend any more time there than is absolutely necessary. Where we will spend a lot of time is around the inner workings – the mental and emotional aspects – of what makes an inventor tick. We’ll attempt to identify the prerequisite state of being and capture whatever it is that produces the “Ahaâ€? effect…
The Black Hair Interview
…his eye-opening investigation revealed that Koreans have come to control virtually every aspect of the multi-billion dollar, Black hair care industry, from manufacturing to distribution to retail sales, while simultaneously employing tactics to put African-American merchants and wholesalers out of business.
So when we can’t pay off our credit cards, our mortgage, our car notes, or our businesses are failing, or we hate our slavedriver boss but we can’t quit because we’re living paycheck to paycheck and are behind in our rent and just got a dispossess, or we’ve got to go back down to the welfare office and sit all day waiting for them to tell us to come back tomorrow, everybody just remember this: it’s all Donald Trumps fault!
Knuckles Fights for Harlemites
“Too often projects of this nature are developed in communities without the participation and input of contractors who need and deserve that opportunity, but for many reasons, are unable to get their foot in the door,� said Kenneth Knuckles, President and CEO of the Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone Development Corporation. “The development of the East River Plaza Mall offers numerous contracting opportunities for a variety of contractors."
Carver Bank Entrepreneur Seminars
“We are excited about the Entrepreneurial Series,� says bank manager Fraserlyn Charles. “It is yet another Carver community initiative that exemplifies our motto and mission, Building Wealth Block By Block.�
Last week you were exposed to the fact that money isn’t real and that it is only an idea. Well this week we will explore how this relates to what my conference attendees learned and the subject of developing your inner CFO.
Chic sportswear designer, Deborah Williams has got some awesome shows and events coming up and she is currently seeking female, male and child runway models for upcoming shows and events. Here’s the rundown…
“First let me say, this is one of the worst acts of police aggression that I’ve seen in a long time. We call on the Commissioner and I’m calling of the Speaker in the City Council and the Chair of the Public Safety Committee to hold some hearings on what happened on this corner so it doesn’t go ignored. The best way to diffuse any kind of tension once a crowd assembles due to an accident that the police department created is to disperse the police — not the crowd. The tension is caused by police..â€?
"Daddy" to the Rescue
I declare war on poverty and cultural genocide. Somebody has got to do something and that somebody is me!…