Urban Concepts Uplift Jamaica

“At Urban Concepts, we embrace the idea that everyone should do his or her part to help someone else,� said Nadja Bellan-White, EVP of Urban Concepts. “Upliftment Jamaica empowers those to help themselves

Gentrification: Benefits And Challenges

Cross’ pricing for individual condominium units range from $377,000 for an alcove studio to $1.3 million for the penthouse, Johns says. Other comparable units by other developers range, respectively, from $735,000 to $2 million.


George Fraser tells KISS FM’s Michael Baisden, "Life is hard, but it’s really hard if you’re stupid." Turn on your speakers and logon to www.frasernet.com to find out what’s going on.

Managing Your Credit Cards

“There are right and wrong ways to close credit card accounts,� he stressed. “Everyone has a different financial situation, so what’s right for you, may not be right for your friend, neighbor or co-worker. If you’re questioning your credit, talk to an expert.�

Black Robes, White Injustice

A Black woman has no right to claim self-defense when a white man engages in sexual intercourse with her. The Missouri Supreme Court announced this rule on December 14, 1855 in Celia, A Slave. This rule will free the lacrosse players in the Duke rape case. Thus, no white man will ever go to prison for raping a Black woman.

All Gasoline, Not The Same

Kimatni Rawlins, founder of Automotive Rhythms Communications: “But I also tell them the most important upgrade to any vehicle is a high-quality gasoline because it can help you get the most out of your vehicle’s …�

Executive Leadership Council’s 20th

The title, Leadership/Legacy 20, represents The Council’s two decades of advocacy and the leadership of companies – new and old – who are collaborating to endow The Council’s future and to build a positive legacy of diversity and inclusion within their companies and corporate America.

Ballot or Bullet Re-Loaded

We’ll send Spitzer to Albany with a mandate for reform. We’ll send Spitzer to Albany with our vote shouting “we won’t be taken for granted and we’ll be watching you."

Truth About My Suspension

There is a reason for putting a previously-disciplined attorney on a short leash especially an attorney with a political agenda. This attorney, unlike an attorney who is a kleptomaniac, is a threat to national security. The latest example is Lynne Stewart.

Remodeler Wins Top Award

The Big50 Award is unique in that potential recipients are judged not only by REMODELING magazine, but by their competitors, suppliers, and subcontractors as well.