Caribbean Film Festival at BAM

Caribbean Diaspora Film Festival is part of Diverse Voices at BAM presented by Time Warner. Steiner Studios is the presenting sponsor for BAMcinématek. Leadership support is provided by The Joseph S. and Diane H. Steinberg Charitable Trust.

The Cosby Show: Season One (1984-1985)

With a universal popularity cutting across all demographics, the Cosby show’s popularity probably emanated from its groundbreaking presentation of Black people as normal, instead of the minstrel stereotypes previously paraded on our TV screens in embarrassing coon shows like the offensive Good Times which celebrated the plight of the poor.

Bill and Camille Cosby Sponsor USC Screenwriting Program

The Guy Hanks & Marvin Miller Screenwriting Program was founded in an effort to educate African-American writers who are working toward careers in the entertainment industry about the significant role that African-American history and culture should play in the development of their craft.