Sir Anthony Hopkins narrates the otherwise gay play-by-play as Ptolemy, periodically hinting at our hero’s preferences with matter-of-fact observations like, "It is said that Alexander was never conquered in his lifetime, except by Hephaistion’s thighs." The film’s man-on-man hedonism is presented subtly, more in hugs and longing looks than in steamy lip locks.
Article: Movies
By the film’s end, Troy is broke, and the overnight sensation has even lost the bar. Fame can be so fleeting. Back in obscurity, he’s reduced to leaving threatening messages on Harvey’s answering machine …Bankruptcy couldn’t have happened to a better guy.
The Hebrew Hammer
This is the well-intentioned idea behind The Hebrew Hammer, a Kosher comedy set in New York City and stocked with enough Yiddish sayings and Jewish jokes to test even Jackie Mason’s patience. You get the idea after less than 5 minutes, but the onslaught continues for another 80. The humor relies far too heavily on familiarity with Jewish stereotypes and presumes an inclination to find ethnic slurs funny.
La Petite Lili
Ludivine Sagnier, who made such a splash just last year as an insatiable nymphomaiac in Swimming Pool, takes advantage of another opportunity to ooze her special brand of sensuality in the title role of Lili. The story is set at the sprawling country estate of Madame Mado Marceaux (Nicole Garcia), an aging screen actress who has recently completed a picture shot by her boyfriend Brice (Bernard Giraudeau).
Review : Shall We Dance?
Shall We Dance is directed by Peter Chelsom, whose previous offering was the equally-delightful Serendipity. This picture stars Richard Gere as John Clark, an attorney with a flourishing practice at a top Chicago law firm, and Jennifer Lopez as Paulina, the mysterious, bottom-heavy beauty for whom he foregoes a few billable hours to enroll at Miss Mitzi’s Dance School.Susan Sarandon co-stars as Beverly, John’s clueless spouse.
Review : Saints and Soldiers
So many stereotypes would ordinarily be laughable, had the actors not committed to their “no atheists in foxholes� dialogue with such utter
conviction. Crossing the crowded wilderness, they encounter innocent civilians, hostile Germans, even taking a Nazi prisoner who Deacon just happened to know when he lived in Berlin as a missionary prior to the war.
Review : Fahrenheit 9/11
Worse, after the planes hits the Twin Towers, the picture suggests that he deliberately did nothing, choosing to sit in a classroom reading to school kids rather than to protect the country as commander-in-chief. Then, while every other plane in America was grounded, he is accused of allowing over 100 Saudis, many named bin Laden, to leave without being questioned by the authorities. Why, because the Bush family had been funneled over a billion dollars in bribes by the House of Saud.
Ghetto Meets Suburbs— "The Cookout"
The Cookout must have been what Samuel L. Jackson had in mind when he said he wasn’t going to make any more movies with rappers-turned-actors.
Mel Gibson’s Controversial Passion Play Out on DVD
The Passion, the narrative central to the Christian creed, focuses on the trials, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. For almost 2000 years, fundamentalist Christian theologians interpreted the scriptures as designating the Jews to be divinely cursed and, hence, forever responsible for the death of Christ.
Garden State
Grieving Hollywood Actor Meets Jersey Girl in Romantic Comedy