ANC Support Grows In Weeks Before South African Election, Poll Shows

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JOHANNESBURG, May 20 (Reuters) – Support for South Africa’s governing African National Congress has risen in the weeks leading up to this month’s election, a tracking poll showed, suggesting it may only need a small coalition partner or could even win a majority.
Analysts have been speculating for months that the ANC will fall short of 50% of the vote for the first time since coming to power 30 years ago under Nelson Mandela at the end of apartheid.
But if it secures close to half the vote or more, the May 29 election will be less of a watershed as the ANC will still be firmly in control of the nation’s politics.
The poll, updated on weekdays by local think tank the Social Research Foundation (SRF), put support for the ANC at 44.8% on Friday, the latest day for which data is available, up from 37.7% exactly one month earlier under a scenario modelled for the 66% turnout seen at the last national election in 2019. READ MORE…

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