Alexis’ Washington Massacre Drives Home Need For Sensible Gun Laws

By Leah Gunn Barrett

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New Yorkers Against Gun Violence (NYAGV) is saddened by the news of yet another mass shooting in our country, this time in our nation’s Capital.

Thirteen people lost their lives yesterday, including the gunman, and eight bystanders were wounded. These mass shootings are an all too common occurrence.

We are still learning the details of this tragedy, but we do know that despite his violent past, Aaron Alexis was able to legally buy a gun in Virginia, a state with weak gun laws, and use it to massacre innocent people. We also know that he had a history of gun violence, firing guns on at least two occasions.

Our hearts go out to the family members and victims of yesterday’s shooting. It’s sadly ironic that this occurred just three miles from the Capitol. Congress has failed in its duty to protect the American people by refusing to pass common sense laws such as background checks on all gun sales, something that the vast majority of Americans support.

How many more massacres have to occur before Congress finally acts? It’s time for all Americans to demand stronger federal gun laws to stem the tide of death and injury caused by guns ending up in the wrong hands.


Leah Gunn Barrett is Executive Director of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence

(NYAGV) is a statewide advocacy group working to reduce gun violence through advocacy and education designed to encourage action, influence public opinion and lead to policy change.



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