Milton Allimadi attended the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia for an M.S. degree; he won the prestigious James Wechsler Memorial Prize award in international journalism at Columbia. He has M.A. and Bachelors degrees in Economics from Syracuse University. He started his journalism career with internships at The Journal of Commerce and The Wall Street Journal. He was a freelance reporter for The New York Times, a reporter and deputy managing editor with The City Sun, before co-founding The Black Star News with Mana Lumumba-Kasongo and Ben Otunu using seed-money from Camille and Bill Cosby. Allimadi is an Adjunct Professor of African History at John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY) in the Africana Studies Department and an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Journalism at the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia. He can be heard every Tuesday afternoon at 3PM co-hosting with Colin Benjamin “Black Star News Show” on WBAI 99.5 FM New York Radio and (646) 261-7566
Entertainment Editor:
Deardra Shuler has experience in theater, music, concert promotion, radio, television and publishing. She was affiliated with the Negro Ensemble Company and is a former manager of the children’s theater, TADA. She has produced and promoted concerts in Madison Square Garden, Carnegie Hall, Apollo Theater, NJPAC, and Radio City Music Hall. She has been the editor and managing editor of 3 minority newspapers. Her Internet radio show “Topically Yours” is on the BlakeRadio Network, where she is the Program Manager and has produced other host shows. Ms. Shuler is a former press representative for RossLive Entertainment representing Michael Jackson performance artists for the show “Invincible: A Glorious Tribute to Michael Jackson.” Deardra spent a year as PR Chairman of the Paul Robeson Award Initiative associated with the bi-annual FESPACO Film Festival featured in Quagadougou, Burkina Faso, West Africa.
Managing Editor:
Colin Benjamin attended Long Island University’s Brooklyn Campus and studied journalism under the tutelage of Dr. Donald Bird and Dr. Ralph Engelman. Dr. Bird, the former Chair and Professor of Journalism at LIU’s Brooklyn Campus, called Benjamin “one of the finest students I have taught in my more than 30-year career of fullitme teaching.” Dr. Engelman, the current Chair and Professor of Journalism at LIU’s Brooklyn Campus, called Benjamin “a gifted” and “outstanding journalism major” with “superior oral and written communication skills.” On June 2, 2016, Benjamin, and the Black Star News, won an Ippies Award for Benjamin’s editorial commentary entitled “South Carolina Massacre and The Hate That Produced Dylan Roof.”
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Sports Writer: Distinio Lois, Jr