Today is the 2nd of December 2024 and the new mini crossword for today has already been issued by NYT on the official website. Today is a Monday and everyone will collectively agree that Monday is definitely the most dreaded and boring day of the weekend. However, one interesting way of making our Mondays better is to experience our old hobbies again. If you are also someone whose favorite hobby used to be solving crosswords but adult life took the joy of completing a crossword away from you, NYT Mini Crossword will be the best web game to ever exist as it takes less time and can be completed sooner than the offline crosswords. However, the NYT mini crossword despite being a miniature version is not always easy. If you are the one who is finding the crossword for today a tough one to complete, this article brings you NYT Mini Crossword answers and hints 2nd December for the ones interested.
Comparison Between Offline Crossword And NYTimes Mini Crossword
If you are new and wondering what are the differences between offline crosswords and NYTimes Mini Crossword or how the mini crossword is better than the offline crosswords, the simple explanation to all your questions is that the NYTimes Mini Crossword is just a mini version of the offline crosswords so the rules of playing the game are exactly similar but the difference is that the NYT Mini Crossword consists of a smaller board and fewer words to find.
Today’s Mini Crossword Hints
Across Mini Crossword Hints For Monday’s Puzzle
If you are looking for a few clues that may help you achieve successful gameplay and solve the crossword, the following are the set of across clues for you.
- 1A: Be quiet!
- 6A: Light weight
- 7A: The director of a Broadway productions
- 8A: A heavy herbivore who has a horn
- 9A: Calligrapher’s tool
Down Mini Crossword Hints For Monday’s Puzzle
If you are looking for a few clues that may help you achieve successful gameplay and solve the crossword, the following is the set of down clues for you.
- 1D: _ grapes
- 2D: Be quiet!
- 3D: Socially square
- 4D: Acting assignment in a theater class
- 5D: A bird that has long legs and an S-shaped neck
NYT Mini Crossword Answers For Monday’s Puzzle
If the hints provided confuse you more than help you and you are looking for the spoilers to the answers, the following are the direct NYT mini crossword answers for you.
- 9A: PEN
- 1D: SOUR
- 2D: HUSH