Top 10 Most Expensive Foods in the World: Complete List

By blackstar

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Top 10 Most Expensive Foods in the World: Complete List

Food is the base of the world. Imagine if there is no hunger, Nobody should do their job. Then the World would not function as it does now. So we can say food has the power to control the world. We don’t just eat only of hunger. We eat to pass the time, to socialize with people and for a lot more reasons. Have you ever wondered about the expensive food items in the world? Here we are going to explore the Top 10 expensive foods in the world.

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Overview Table:

RankFood ItemPrice Per Unit
1Saffron$560 – $1050/kg
2Wagyu Beef$200 – $500/lb
3Densuke Watermelon$4000
4Matsutake Mushrooms$1000/lb
5Bluefin TunaVaries
6Iberico Ham$1000/leg
7Beluga Caviar$7000 – $10000/lb
8Kopi Luwak Coffee$1000/lb
10Elvish Honey$6800

1. Saffron

Would you believe me if I said a flower’s stigma is the most expensive food in the world? Yes, it is. The flower of crocus sativus, widely known as saffron, is the most expensive food. It is known for its unique Aroma. Do you know one thing? an ounce of saffron is more expensive than an ounce of gold. Iran is the largest producer of saffron. It is expensive because each plant has only three crocus and it can only be harvested manually.

It costs around US$ 560 to  US$ 1050 per kilogram.

2. Wagyu Beef

The first place is held by vegetarian food, But, the second place is occupied by non-vegetarian food. That wagyu beef. Generally beef has more protein than other foods. Wagyu beef is obtained from Wagyu cattle which is very rare in Japan. it is so expensive because it should be fed five times more than the normal cattle. It should be reared in a low-intensity stress-free environment. Wagyu beef is mostly consumed for its rich fatty flavor, Tender texture and tempting appearance. Another kind of beef called Kobe beef is famous for its luminous appearance. A pound of wagyu beef costs $200 to $ 500.

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3. Densuke watermelon

The third on the list is occupied by a fruit, Densuke watermelon. It is a fruit that originated in Japan. It has the unique appearance of black rind with red flush. It only grows on Hokkaido island in Northern Japan. The densuke watermelon needs volcanic fertilized soil to grow. It is expensive for its demand. Only 10000 fruits are produced each year. It is difficult to grow and harvest. It even cost around 4000$.

4. Matsutake Mushrooms

The white round meaty fungi holds the fourth place in the list. Matsutake mushrooms are one of the rarest mushrooms in the world. Matsutake mushrooms are enriched with Vitamin D and vitamin B3. It is so expensive because we are still not able to find suitable environmental conditions to grow this mushroom. Matsutake mushrooms grow on pine trees. It is called Pine mushroom or tanoak mushroom, The name denotes the tree where it grows. The roundworm affects the pine trees so nowadays it is difficult to culture the mushroom. Pine Trees are endangered in Japan. As It has more demand the cost is around 1000$ per pound.

5. Bluefin tuna

The protein-rich seafood Bluefin tuna holds the fifth place in the list of top 10 expensive foods. It is known for its rich taste and tender texture. The giant fish has a mass of 220 to 250 Kg. Sadly now it is in the endangered species category in Japan. Overfishing causes deterioration of Bluefin tuna in the numbers. It is so expensive for these reasons as the demands are high. Overfishing should be restricted to save this species.

6. Iberico Ham

Pork is one of the favorite foods of Europeans. Iberico ham is a kind of pork that ranks sixth in the list of top 10 most expensive foods. Iberico ham originated in Spain and Portugal. It is also known as ‘Jamon Iberico’. The pork that is obtained from the pigs is fed with a heavy diet. So the pigs have high tender fat. It takes a long curing and drying process. So the meat availability is less which creates huge demand in the market. These pigs are called Black Liberian pigs, Pata Negra. It costs around $1000 / leg.

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7. Beluga caviar

Beluga caviar ranks seventh in the list of most luxurious foods. Caviar is the salted large eggs of fish eaten as a delicacy. Beluga caviar is made from the eggs of sturgeon fish. The import of Sturgeon fish is banned in the USA. This species is in the endangered category due to overfishing. A pound of this fish’s eggshell costs around $7000 to $10000.

8. Kopi Luwak Coffee

Indonesia is the origin of this Kopi luwak coffee. It ranks 8th in our most expensive foods list. Civet coffee is another name for it. There is a crazy thing behind this coffee bean production process. Before the coffee bean turns into powder, It has to be passed through an animal civet and its gut. Civet intakes this coffee bean and excretes it. Then the coffee bean is rinsed carefully and used for coffee making. The hormones in the civet’s gut remove the bitterness in the coffee and give sweetness to it. It is more expensive because of the smaller number of civets. Civets are raised in coffee estates, especially for this purpose. It costs around $1000 per pound.

9. Oysters

Oysters are one of the prominent seafood for the common people. It is a rich source of vitamins and micronutrients. Now it is in the expensive food category because of its unavailability. The maturing process of oysters takes 18 to 24 months. So growing it artificially is a tedious process. It was cultured and grown naturally on the seashore. Overharvesting causes the decline of natural oysters. Cooking oysters also needs expertise. These all make it an expensive food.

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10. Elvish honey

Honey is the most common and cheap food in the house. But the Elvish honey is expensive for its extraction method. Normally the honey is extracted from bee hives. But, Elvish honey from turkey extracted from caves. The extraction too done only once a year to protect the natural environment. So it is more expensive than normal honey. It not only differs from its extraction method. It has more medicinal value than normal honey. It costs around $6800.


  1. What is the most expensive food item in the world?
    • Saffron, priced at $560 to $1050 per kilogram, holds the title of the most expensive food in the world.
  2. Where does Wagyu beef originate from, and why is it so expensive?
    • Wagyu beef, originating from Japan and obtained from Wagyu cattle, is expensive due to its unique rearing requirements and rich fatty flavor.
  3. What makes Densuke watermelon one of the most expensive foods?
    • Densuke watermelon, originating from Japan and known for its black rind with a red flush, is rare and grown in limited quantities, costing around $4000 each.
  4. Why are Matsutake mushrooms so expensive?
    • Matsutake mushrooms are rare and grow on pine trees, facing challenges such as environmental conditions and tree diseases, leading to a high price of around $1000 per pound.
  5. What contributes to the high price of Beluga caviar?
    • Beluga caviar, made from sturgeon fish eggs, is expensive due to overfishing and its delicacy status, costing $7000 to $10000 per pound.
  6. What makes Kopi Luwak coffee unique and costly?
    • Kopi Luwak coffee, originating from Indonesia and processed through civet digestion, has a unique flavor profile, scarcity of civets, and specialized production process, costing around $1000 per pound.
  7. Why are oysters considered expensive food items?
    • Oysters take 18 to 24 months to mature, and their cultivation process is labor-intensive, leading to their high price despite being a common seafood.
  8. What distinguishes Elvish honey from regular honey, and why is it expensive?
    • Elvish honey, extracted from caves in Turkey, undergoes a unique extraction process and has higher medicinal value, leading to its higher price of $6800.
  9. How is Bluefin tuna priced, and why is it expensive?
    • Bluefin tuna, prized for its rich taste and tender texture, varies in price and faces overfishing challenges, contributing to its high cost.
  10. What contributes to the high price of Iberico ham?
    • Iberico ham, originating from Spain and Portugal and obtained from pigs fed a heavy diet, undergoes a long curing process and has limited availability, costing around $1000 per leg.