Romney Wins Florida; Gingrich Uses "Grand Wizard" Tactics

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Gingrich has been appealing to red neck voters, by repeatedly calling President Obama the "food stamps president." This is Gingrich’s code for the N-word.

[2012 Election: Black Star News Editorial]

The wife-cheating racial arsonist Newt Gingrich lost the Florida primary 46% to 32% to Mitt Romney today.

Still, Gingrich has promised to stay in the race right until the Republican Convention in August.  After all, there are still 46 states to go and hundreds of electoral delegates at stake.

Romney won the 50 Florida delegates under a winner-take-all formula.

The race between Gingrich and Romney was so bitter and ugly that Gingrich didn’t even call the former Massachusetts governor to congratulate him on his victory.

Romney and his supporters spent about $16 million to buy ugly TV attack ads against Gingrich, who spent $4 million. Romney’s camp has so far spent a total of about $30 million against Gingrich.

Gingrich was once considered the front-runner. Romney and pro-Romney Super PACS spent millions of dollars to deflate Gingrich heading into Iowa’s early January caucuses, which Rick Santorum ended up winning.

Gingrich made a come-back, winning South Carolina, with the help of a $5 million check to a pro-Gingrich super PAC from Adelson.

The gambling tycoon cut Gingrich another $5 million check to contest Florida. Adelson cares primarily for U.S. policy towards Israel. Gingrich, a master panderer, has already vowed that he’d move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv and even called Palestinian’s a fictitious creation. He could get many more $5 million checks from Adelson.


Romney, even with his big Florida win, faces serious challenges ahead. Once the race switches to the southern states, Gingrich’s race-baiting is expected to yield more fruits. Gingrich is also about 10 points ahead of Romney when the two are matched head-to-head in national polls.

More trouble for Romney: Exit polling shows that 41% of Florida voters don’t believe Romney is conservative enough. Even more disturbing is that 38% of the voters surveyed said they still want a new candidate to join the race for the Republican nomination; this includes 37% of Romney’s own voters. So there’s potential for a messy contest–an insurgent Republican, or even third-party candidate could still emerge.

Gingrich has been appealing to red neck voters, by repeatedly calling President Obama the “food stamps president.” This is Gingrich’s code for the N-word.

Gingrich now calls Obama the “Entertainer-in-Chief,” a reference to President Obama’s recent rendition of Al Green’s classic song, when he visited Harlem’s famed Apollo Theater for a fundraiser. Gingrich, who’s made race-baiting  an essential part of his campaign, may hope to conjure the image of a fun-loving Black man who entertains while Rome burns; Step-in Fetch-it.

“Speaking Truth To Empower.”

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