Congressman Bowman Commemorates Life Of Sonya Massey Killed By Police, Calls For Reform

By Office of Congressman Jamaal Bowman

Photos: YouTube Screenshots

WASHINGTON, D.C.  — Today, Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D. (NY-16) delivered a speech on the floor of the House of Representatives commemorating the life of Sonya Massey and calling for an end to police violence.

Watch the full floor speech here.

Full transcript of his remarks:

“Mr. Speaker, we should all be outraged by the murder of Sonya Massey, an unarmed 36 year old mother of two, who was killed in her own home. Clearly struggling with mental illness. The police officers did not know how to respond. They threatened to shoot her in the face, and they actually shot her in the face. 

Sonya Massey should be alive today. Breonna Taylor should be alive today. Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many more. We need transformational police reform now in our country. This officer should never have been on the job. 

And as a Black man, every time I see another Black person, particularly a Black woman, killed by law enforcement, it takes a piece of my soul. We have a Black woman running to be President, while Black women are being shot and killed in our communities. Enough is enough.”