2024 Presidential Election: Biden Fails To Quells Doubts About His Future

By blackstar

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By Adam Roberts\The Economist

Photos: Video\YouTube Screenshots

Lord Almighty! Joe Biden says he’ll step aside only if there’s divine intervention. Having watched the president’s brief TV interview on Friday, I’m not at all reassured.

Asked about his dire poll numbers, he flatly denied them. Asked if he’d submit to an independent assessment of his health, he brushed aside the question. Yes, he showed more energy and fluency in this short interaction than he had a week earlier, but that’s a low bar.

Read our assessment of the interview.

As an atheist, I’m not betting on a decisive whisper from God. So who on Earth might intervene? Jill Biden, the First Lady and Mr. Biden’s defender-in-chief, has influence but probably not the will. Donors to the Democrats might have some sway. Senior elected Democrats, such as a group of senators or governors, or a bigger group of congressmen, could yet start to tell.

Meanwhile, keep an eye on our poll tracker to see how Mr. Biden’s prospects are dimming against Donald Trump.

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