“Out From Under Us” Film Documents Land-Grab, Ethnic Cleansing, In Uganda Under Dictator Museveni

Find here below the details of the crowdfunding campaign for “Out From Under Us,” the feature documentary on land grabs and human-rights abuses in Uganda, by British documentary filmmaker Marcus Relton.

The producers are looking to take from first rough cut to completion. The crowdfunding page is at https://greenlit.com/project/o ut-under-us

Also visit filmmaker’s pages on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/1Digi tTv and on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/1dig ittv/ for updates on the campaign and situation and share the crowdfunding page and updates on your social media.

Filmmaker Relton says: “Thanks for your efforts to help our efforts to raise these important issues and help people in vulnerable communities suffering at the hands of an autocratic and militarised government and boosting awareness of these issues worldwide.

“Independent documentaries have the power to do this, as television has fewer places and less funding to cover important international and social issues. Your help to make our efforts to make these films anyway can make a real difference to people’s lives.”