Far-Right GOP Congressman to Fundraise With Holocaust Denier

Photo: Twitter

Birds of a feather do indeed flock together, like right-wing Rep. Paul Gosar seen above (on left) with his racist “white majoritarian” Holocaust denying buddy Nick Fuentes.

Republican US Rep Paul Gosar has defended his appearance at an upcoming fundraiser with a self-described “white majoritarian” who supported the Capitol insurrection and was removed from several social media platforms for hate speech.

Congressman Gosar, among GOP lawmakers who supported the “Stop the Steal” campaign and amplified the baseless narrative that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump and his supporters, will reportedly join Nick Fuentes at a fundraising event to be announced on 1 July.

In February, the pair appeared at the far-right America First Political Action Committee conference, marking the first appearance of a sitting member of Congress at the event, where Mr Fuentes reportedly told attendees that “white people are done being bullied” and praised the Capitol riot as “awesome.”

Read rest of story here.