Clinton Race Baiting Could Endanger Obama

It is difficult for us to believe that the Clintons, very intelligent as they are, haven’t imagined that such race baiting and religious bigotry can have the harmful consequence we are pointing out. This is a disturbing, dangerous and scary thought.

[Elections 2008]

The Clinton race baiting and religious bigotry strategy may endanger Barack Obama.

Do the Clintons want Senator Obama harmed by some nut out there?

This is a legitimate question, based on the blatant race baiting and religious bigotry that have been promoted by the Clinton campaign in its desperate drive to derail Obama’s possible nomination as presidential candidate of the Democratic Party.

The so-called liberal media have not sufficiently condemned Hillary Clinton’s dangerous strategies. If such heinous machinations were employed by a Republican candidate that candidate would be universally criticized.
The Clintons’ race baiting and religious bigotry are broadcast through traditional mass media and through the Internet. These outlets serve the same function, unwittingly or otherwise, that

Radio-Television Libre Milles Collines did in Rwanda in 1994, during the genocide; which was to inflame hostilities between ethnic Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda.

This is not to suggest genocidal eruption in the U.S. In this case, the hateful Clinton message could direct violence at candidate Obama.

Sounds like a fantasy? Clearly the Clintons are not focused on engaging Senator Obama on the issues.

Consider that the Clintons know that they cannot possibly catch up with Senator Obama in the pledged delegates count. Moreover, the Clintons know that their chances of narrowing the gap with Obama has also been diminished now that a majority of undeclared superdelegates have indicated a preference to support the candidate with the most pledged delegates at the end of the primaries and caucuses in June.

So why continue with the race baiting?

Previously, we had argued that the Clintons have used race baiting, as exemplified by the recent bigoted remarks by Clinton acolyte Geraldine Ferraro –that Obama wouldn’t be where he is today if he were not a Black man– in order to drive white votes away from Obama in places like Pennsylvania.

Yet, that’s only a partial objective. Even if in the campaign’s calculations, Clinton can win by a wide margin Pennsylvania and other states where race baiting can work, at the end of the day, Obama will still maintain a substantial delegates lead. The Clintons know this fact.

So, might there not be a more sinister motive in play? We need an answer from the Clintons.

Race baiting and religious bigotry, have been features of the Clintons’ strategy all along: First they had a campaign official suggest that Obama may have been a drug dealer; they had an acolyte claim Obama had been trained in a madrassa; they sent the picture of Obama wearing the traditional Somali Islamic attire to the Drudge Report, according to Drudge himself; they darkened Obama’s feature in a commercial used by the Clintons; in the sinister “red phone” commercial, professor Orlando Patterson suggested, by showing the sleeping white girl, they may have wanted to create the impression of danger in the form of a Black man lurking somewhere; responding to a question in a “60 Minutes” interview, Clinton maliciously said Obama was not a Muslim “as far as” she knew, when Senator Obama has categorically repeated numerous times that he is a Christian; and, finally, the recent remarks by Geraldine Ferraro.

It is difficult for us to believe that the Clintons, very intelligent as they are, haven’t imagined that such race baiting and religious bigotry can have the consequence we are pointing out.

This is a disturbing, dangerous and scary thought.

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