WBAI Today: Nkrumah’s 1960 Visit To Harlem With Malcolm X and Adam Powell Recalled

Kwame Nkrumah with President Kennedy. Years later, the U.S. was involved in his overthrow. Photo: U.S. government.



Join us today Oct. 13, on “Black Star News Show” on WBAI New York 99.5 FM Radio and www.wbai.org at 3PM.


Host Milton Allimadi in Conversation with Black Star News Managing Editor Colin Benjamin.


Topic: “Pan-African Revival.” Remembering Ghana’s President Kwame Nkrumah’s Historic 1960 Harlem visit to discuss need for bond between Mother Africa and Africa Diaspora where he was hosted by Malcolm X, Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, Carlos Cooks founder of the African Nationalist Pioneer Movement, and Hulan Jack Manhattan borough president, at a rally outside the Hotel Theresa. Also discussion of U.S. role in the overthrow of Nkrumah in 1966.


Other topics: Upcoming Election and Donald Trump’s schemes to suppress the vote, and the outrageous granting of bail to Derek Chauvin the officer who murdered George Floyd in May.

Opening Music: Aye Africa! By Franklin Boukaka.

Mid-point Music: “Do You Remember Malcolm?” By Miriam Makeba


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