AG Barr: BLM trying to “Tearing Down the System”

[Black Lives Matter Movement\Bill Barr]
Barr: “They are a revolutionary group that is interested in some form of socialism, communism. They’re essentially Bolsheviks.”
Photo: YouTube

Bill Barr, the most corrupt attorney general of our time, says the Black Lives Matter Movement is bent on “tearing down the system.”

Nearly two weeks after Democrats grilled Attorney General William P. Barr over the Justice Department’s crackdowns on racial justice protests, Barr on Sunday evening lashed out at the opposition party and the Black Lives Matter movement.

Speaking to Fox News host Mark Levin, Barr said liberals are intent on “tearing down the system” and called protesters’ tactics “fascistic.”

“They are a revolutionary group that is interested in some form of socialism, communism,” Barr said of Black Lives Matter. “They’re essentially Bolsheviks.”

Barr’s comments in the hour-long interview on “Life, Liberty & Levin” represent some of his harshest critiques yet of the protest movement, which he equated with Antifa and compared to guerrilla warfare, and of the Democratic politicians who have accused the attorney general of subverting the Justice Department to do President Trump’s bidding.

Trump has also regularly expressed his disapproval of Black Lives Matter, accusing one of its members of “treason” and called the Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower in New York “a symbol of hate.”

Read rest of this Washington Post story here: