[2020 Census New York]
New Yorkers can easily sign up for a teach-in in their neighborhood by visiting on.nyc.gov/teachins.
Photo: Facebook
On Tuesday, February 11th, NYC Census 2020 and its partner organizations will hold more than 60 civil rights-style teach-ins across all five boroughs to educate New Yorkers and encourage participation in the 2020 Census.
This joint City-and-community activation represents a distinct evolution of the City’s investment in community organizing and the building of a citywide civic engagement infrastructure.
The teach-ins, many of which will be conducted by local organizations presenting information in linguistically and culturally competent ways, will cover the critical importance of the census and how this year’s Census will determine resources and representation for neighborhoods across New York City for the next ten years.
Teach-in Tuesday is part of the field strategy for the Complete Count Campaign, a historic and unprecedented partnership between a mayoral administration, the City Council, CUNY, and 157 community-based organizations across all five boroughs, as well as the city’s three library systems, labor unions, and civic and private institutions of many types. With funding of $40 million, New York City’s proactive response is the nation’s largest municipal coordinated census campaign.
In 2010, the City’s initial self-response rate was approximately 15 percentage points less than the national average. This approach is a first for municipal government anywhere, and is designed to leverage census participation as an opportunity to significantly increase civic participation, especially in historically undercounted communities.
New Yorkers can easily sign up for a teach-in in their neighborhood by visiting on.nyc.gov/teachins.
About NYC Census 2020
NYC Census 2020 was established as a first-of-its-kind organizing initiative by Mayor de Blasio in January 2019 to ensure a complete and accurate count of all New Yorkers in the 2020 Census. The program is built on four pillars:
(1) a community-based awards program, The New York City Complete Count Fund;
(2) an in-house “Get Out the Count” field campaign that is supported by the smart use of data and technology;
(3) an innovative, multilingual, tailored messaging and marketing campaign; as well as
(4) an in-depth Agency and Partnerships engagement plan that seeks to leverage the power of the City’s 350,000-strong workforce and the city’s major institutions, including libraries, hospitals, faith-based, cultural institutions, higher educational institutions, and more, to communicate with New Yorkers about the critical importance of census participation.