[Media Matters\”2019 Misinformer of the Year”]
“For his efforts, Solomon earned himself a starring role in Trump’s impeachment inquiry — and a gig on Fox News. For Solomon’s cravenness, ethical bankruptcy, and pure shamelessness, he is 2019’s Misinformer of the Year.”
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

The face of real fake news “journalist” John Solomon (who worked, in recent years, for The Hill newspaper until October) published phony stories advancing false narratives about Ukraine for Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump.

Today, Media Matters for America, a nonprofit media watchdog, named John Solomon–formerly of The Hill newspaper–as the “2019 Misinformer of the Year.”

Media Matters cited the conservative columnist’s collusion with political agents of President Trump to advance fabricated stories designed to undermine the 2020 presidential election, which led to President Trump extorting a foreign government and his subsequent impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives.

Media Matters’ “Misinformer of the Year” designation has been presented annually since 2005 to the most influential or prolific purveyor of misinformation, lies, and smears in the U.S. media.

According to Media Matters for America, the reasons John Solomon was named 2019 Misinformer of the Year include:

 *He’s the “journalist” that Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani hand selected to launder his Ukraine disinformation campaign through the right-wing media.

 *He used his media platform to help orchestrate a smear campaign to get a U.S. ambassador recalled and served in a starring role in the Trump impeachment hearings due to his contributions.

 *Starting on March 20, Solomon published 45 columns in The Hill aimed at discrediting the Russia investigation, 12 of which were primarily focused on planting the seeds of this new Ukrainian element of the conspiracy theory. These columns remain under review by The Hill. He was rewarded for his efforts by being given a job at Fox News — where he still works today.

Julie Millican, Vice President of Media Matters for America, explained:

“John Solomon has made a career of creating scandals where none exist and spent the better part of 2019 doing so on behalf of Rudy Giuliani and his corrupt cronies. Solomon willingly transcribed the information Giuliani spoon fed him to aid and abet a disinformation campaign targeting former Vice President Joe Biden to benefit President Donald Trump — a campaign that was injected directly into the right-wing media via Sean Hannity and Fox News. In its wake, a career foreign official was pushed out of her post, a whistleblower complaint emerged, and the president was impeached.

“For his efforts, Solomon earned himself a starring role in Trump’s impeachment inquiry — and a gig on Fox News. For Solomon’s cravenness, ethical bankruptcy, and pure shamelessness, he is 2019’s Misinformer of the Year.”

In recent years, Media Matters has named Lachlan Murdoch and Mark Zuckerberg as Misinformers of the Year.