Happy Ancestors’ Remembrance Day

Geronimo. Photo: Wikipedia

General Goyaałé a.k.a. GERONIMO of the APACHE nation (1829 – 1909), was a brilliant commander and won many battles against European Americans. He eventually was captured and he and other indigenous nations conquered. He died a prisoner of war in 1909.

While a resister can be captured he can never truly be defeated–unless his mind surrenders too. Every photograph of Geronimo shows a man who had an indomitable spirit.

Today, Gen. Geronimo’s surviving descendants live on “reservations” –a fancy word for concentration camps– and can’t deport Donald Trump; yet he gets to demonize, deport or exclude others.

Today, pour libation for Geronimo and other exterminated indigenous peoples and for enslaved Africans who perished while toiling to build the foundation that created today’s American wealth–Including Donald Trump’s.

Happy Ancestors’ Remembrance Day.