Washington Panel Discussion– Crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The Congressional Black Caucus Foreign Affairs & National Security Task Force Africa Policy Breakfast with U.S. Rep. Bass and Veasey

Crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

TOMORROW: Wednesday, May 16, 2018
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM

U.S. Capitol Visitor Center Room. HVC 201 A/B
First St NE, Washington, D.C. 20515.

Moderator: Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield – Albright Stoneridge Group. Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs.

Expert Panelists: Kambale Musavuli – Friends of the Congo.

Sylvain Saluseke – LUCHA: Youth movement in Congo demands social justice.

Mike Jobbins – Search for Common Ground.

The Democratic Republic of Congo is experiencing a major crisis. In 2017, two million people were driven from their homes, the number of internally displaced persons swelled to nearly four and a half million, and more than 600,000 Congolese fled the country due to political unrest and ongoing conflicts in Eastern Congo.

Reportedly, at least 13 million Congolese are in need of humanitarian assistance, including more than 7 million people without access to food. Women and girls have suffered horrific sexual and gender-based violence. Additionally, continued delays in holding elections have increased tensions and unrest.

The ongoing instability and humanitarian crisis in sub-Saharan Africa’s largest country has implications for the entire region. This Africa Policy Breakfast, hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus Foreign Affairs & National Security Task Force, will consider options for how the region and international community should respond to the deteriorating situation in the DRC.

The event will be live streamed.
