Martha Leah — My 10 Minutes New Year’s Message Better than Museveni’s 4-Hours

Uganda’s life-dictator Museveni


All is good in Uganda. The UCC (Uganda Communications Control), or Big Brother, can suspend your license or arrest you or shut you down or all the above if you ignore a directive from General Yoweri Museveni, the country’s life-dictator.

Consequently, the entire nation of 40.5 million people must stop what they are doing and all switch on their Television sets and watch their beloved leader deliver to them a message of how he is going to end poverty in 2018, even though he’s only increased it in his 32 years in power.

Alternatively, the ones with no TV sets or electricity, must buy batteries and put in their radios and listen to Museveni’s hours address to the Nation about the good times ahead in 2018; how Uganda will get many investors, build its own Social Media network and pump Museveni’s oil to sell to the world.

This country must also know that Gen. Museveni intends to address the daily killings, kidnappings, torture and tear gas that are dampening the mood of the nation. But wait!? what if he is to say that screw the life presidency, he is actually stepping down? For sure, this is not a State of the Nation address you’d want to miss.

Alternatively, instead of the four-hours of Museveni speech you could also listen to the 10 minutes attached here; and no one is going to shut off your phone for not listening.

Some of us tetulina MAGYE!

This is too much fun. Happy New Year Uganda!