Monday: Malcolm X’s Birthday commemoration

Malcolm X’s Birthday commemoration State Office Building, Monday

[Community Events & Announcements]

(BEPAA) Board for the Education of People of African Ancestry Presents A Panel Discussion on “The Role of the School Guidance Counselor”
In Controlling and Contributing to You Child’s Future College Admission and Career.”

Panelists include:

Dr. Adelaide L. Sanford, Vice Chancellor Emerita NYS Board of Regents and Sister Jan McCray, Retired Guidance Counselor NYC Public School System

The event will be held on Sunday, May 18, 2014 3:00 PM at Dr. John Henrik Clarke House located at 286 Convent AvenueHarlem, New York City.

ADMISSION IS FREE Call 347-907-0629 to RSV


​[] Sistas’ Place presents drummer George  Gray leading his own band with pianist Anthony Wonsey, saxophonist Antonio Hart and bassist Alec Blake on Saturday, May 17th.  Support live jazz in your community – come out at  9 or 10:30 pm – tickets are just $20 in advance.  
Make your reservations at (718) 398-1766 and spread the word.

check out for more info

And coming up next

May 24: Organ Monk Greg Lewis

May 31: Kenny Gates

and very special concert in June


[] You are invited to the following event: 49th Annual Malcolm X Day Pilgrimage and Celebration

Monday, May 19, 2014 from 3:00 AM to 11:00 PM (EDT). Adam Clayton Powell Office building, 163 West 125th Street New York, NY 10027

[] Cong. Charles Rangel Book Signing is cancelled for May 17, 2014 (Sat). We have moved forward with the Book Signing with ex-Mayor and State Senator Sharpe James, Book Political Prisoner on May 29, 2014( Thurs).

We look forward for your support for the ( Harlem Law Library). We are looking to open in the Village of Harlem.

Respectfully, Cornelius R. Ricks

P.s. I also would like to thank! Queen Mother Shirley Pitts,for asking me to be the Grand Marshall at the 30th Annual Mother Day Parade in Harlem on May 3, 2014 ( Sat).