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Center For American Project: We Are Launching Campaign To Expose ‘Authoritarian Playbook’ Project 2025 Which Would ‘Destroy… American Democracy’

By Center American Progress Photos: YouTube Screenshots\Wikimedia Commons Washington, D.C. — The Center for American Progress has launched a new campaign to expose the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, an authoritarian playbook to destroy the 250-year-old system of checks and balances upon which American democracy was built in order to usher in a sweeping array of...

International People’s Tribunal On 1945 Atomic Bombings Seeking Justice For Korean Victims

By Brad Wolf\PeaceVoice Photos: International People’s Tribunal\Wikimedia Commons On June 8th, 2024, in Hiroshima, Japan, The International People’s Tribunal On The 1945 Atomic Bombings (shown above) met with the goal of holding the United States accountable for the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This People’s Tribunal focuses on the Korean bomb victims, 100,000 of...

Caribbean Rum Producers To Present 50th Anniversary Rum Blends To CARICOM Governments

By CARICOM Photos: CARICOM The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is to receive 50th-anniversary rum blends from thirteen (13) members of the West Indies Rum and Spirits Producers Association (WIRSPA). The rum producers are planning presentation ceremonies during June to governments in the CARICOM Member States where they are based. The contributions from the rum industry are...


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