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Thinking The Unthinkable: Should Black America Prepare Itself For A Uncivil Race War?

By Black Economics\Dr. Brooks Robinson Photos: YouTube Screenshots\Wikimedia Commons In our world aswirl with small wars, skirmishes, rumors of wars, and increasing prospects for widening military conflict, it is not irrational to think the “unthinkable.” By “unthinkable” is meant there could be violent conflict on US soil. Believe it or not, the media and its...

Caribbean Leaders On Attempted Coup In Bolivia: We Stand With Bolivian People

By CARICOM Photos: YouTube Screenshots Caribbean leaders in CARICOM today released the following statement regarding the attempted coup in Bolivia: The Caribbean Community welcomes the restoration of law and order in Bolivia following yesterday’s attempted coup against President Luis Arce and the Government of Bolivia. CARICOM deplores any use of force to overthrow democratically elected...

Biden And Trump To Clash In First 2024 Presidential Debate

By NBC News President Joe Biden has just landed in Atlanta, and former President Donald Trump is expected to arrive there later this afternoon, with their first 2024 presidential debate just hours away. Tonight’s showdown will be the first time the two candidates have clashed on stage since October 2020. The 90-minute debate will feature muted...

Kenya’s Youth Erupt Protesting Tax Bill, As President Ruto Deploys ‘Peacekeeping’ Police To Haiti

By Martins Agbonlahor Photos: Facebook\YouTube Screenshots\Facebook Two events occurred in Kenya recently, and both could aptly be described as having double-edged sword effect: one, controversial, and the other, abominable. I’ll take the controversial one first. On 24 June, this year, and barely a few days ago, Kenya’s President William Ruto deployed a contingent of Kenya’s...


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